Your baby was calm and quiet, but from one moment to the next he becomes cunning, throwing tantrums, responding and contradicting everything that is said? It could be the baby adolescencea complicated phase for both children and parents, who will need to learn to be flexible in order to overcome stressful situations.
Are you interested and want to know more? So, keep reading and find out everything about the 2 year old phase or also known as baby adolescence. Check out!

Baby adolescence
During child development, children, parents and family members go through different phases that require learning, patience and adaptation. Mainly in the first years, while there are initial signs of perception of the world, functioning, consequences, among other factors that flourish only after 12 months.
And from then on, everything changes, because with gradual learning, the baby perceives himself as an independent being, capable of making his own decisionsbut without knowing how to effectively communicate and express feelings, which causes frustration and stress.
Therefore, at this stage it is common for tantrums, excessive crying for no apparent reason, sudden mood changes, among other signs of the baby’s adolescence. Therefore, the first tip is to be patient and prepare yourself, as a great challenge lies ahead that will take a few months to overcome, which will require characteristics of firmness, as well as affection and care.
So, keep reading and discover much more about the 2-year-old phase or childhood adolescence. Look!

When does a baby’s adolescence begin?
Childhood adolescence usually begins to show its first signs at 18 months and can last up to 34 months, being a difficult and complicated period, especially for parents, who may have difficulties with the new situation, which requires firmness, posture and example.
And at first, parents and guardians may not identify it as a phase, but rather, the child’s cunning and irritability. Which in turn results in a lack of patience and fighting. Therefore, the tip is to observe the child and their changes in behavior.
After all, this phase is not just a theory, but has scientific proof, demonstrating that the baby’s brain is going through a maturation process. Likewise, it happens in adolescence, altering and interfering in the development of faculties.
Therefore, take this phase seriously and try to follow some tips to overcome it and also observe, in order to identify the main symptoms of the baby’s adolescence.
Main symptoms of baby adolescence
As already mentioned, from 18 months onwards, children generally begin to change their behavior, indicating the baby’s adolescence phase. So, know the main symptoms to identify whether or not it is in this phase.
Therefore, the main symptoms are:
- Tantrums;
- It goes against everything that is said;
- Excessive crying for anything or for no apparent reason;
- Stubbornness;
- Need to give an opinion;
- Sudden mood changes;
- Rejection of things she herself asked for;
- Scandal anywhere (throws down on the ground);
- It’s a trick for those responsible to change their opinion regarding your wishes;
- Answer no to everything.
When identifying these symptoms in everyday life, it is very likely that your child is in the childhood adolescence phase, which requires patience, firmness and self-control to treat the situation.
Therefore, we have put together some tips that can help, making this period as light as possible, with lessons learned for parents and baby. Check out!

10 Tips on how to get through your baby’s adolescence
Like any phase, the 2-year crisis can also be overcome with some tips. Therefore, we have separated some of them, for parents to apply in their daily lives, with a lot of patience, understanding, affection and self-control. Look!
Teach rules and routines
From the beginning of life, when the child is 12 months or older and begins to understand some commands and instructions, it is important highlight some rules for everyday life. Therefore, pay attention to the baby’s actions and reprimand whenever necessary firmly and calmly.
And from 18 months onwards, when the episodes and symptoms of your baby’s adolescence are more latent, be more firm with your daily rules and teach practices that should be done by the child. After all, now, as you begin to perceive yourself as an individual, you need to understand that this has consequences, such as self-care, helping your parents, among others.
With this, little by little, teach some rules and responsibilities, as this tends to reduce stress in relation to their role as part of the family, making the child less irritable and anxious. However, remember that this is a delicate phase and even after learning, you may refuse to do it. So, take it easy and remember that everything will soon pass and get better.
Teach your child how to deal with frustrations
During the 2-year-old phase, some things can be very frustrating for children, such as expressing their feelings, talking and participating as much as they would like.
Therefore, have patience and self-control to teach your child how to deal with their frustrations. And try to talk calmly in order to understand what is happening.
And equally, during this conversation it is important that the parents dedicate 100% attention to the child. Also, the adult should kneel or sit so that their eyes are at the same level as the child, which will make the child feel more confident and calm when expressing themselves.
Upon realizing that they are being understood, the baby tends to calm down and improve their behavior. Therefore, do not give up and try not to shout or intimidate, as this can be harmful and traumatic.
Don’t let your child associate inappropriate behavior with rewards
During tantrums and inappropriate behavior, it is common for parents to lose patience. And when this happens, the child usually wins the “fight”, getting what they want.
That said, rethink and be firm in continuing the line of thought regarding the reason for the tantrum and don’t let her associate her bad behavior with getting what she wants. After all, if she notices this association, she will repeat the behavior whenever she deems it necessary, repeating the crying and trickery at any time and place.
Therefore, be firm when denying during bouts of bad behavior and if the conversation doesn’t work, be patient and wait for the episode to end before reprimanding more firmly.
Give options
When identifying as an independent being, the child feels the need to take a stand. Therefore, during the baby’s adolescence phase, Give possible and real options, such as the clothes you want to wear, the toy you want to take for a walk, the plate and glass you want to use at the mealbetween others.
However, always limit this choice to two options and when presenting the possibilities, use a firm and calm tone of voice in order to demonstrate seriousness in the situation, which also results in security and confidence for the child.
When giving options, also consider the real ones available to parents, in order to avoid further discussions. And if possible, also present the consequences so that it reaches the best resolution.
Name the emotions
To facilitate communication and understanding of what children feel and think, it is important that parents and guardians teach and name feelings. With this, she will be able to better tell when she is nervous, sad, anxious or any other type of position. Reducing anxiety and frustration, which contributes to health and well-being.
And to teach, books, toys, finger toys, among other games that tell stories can be used. And besides, conversations are always very valid, after all, this way parents can also express their feelings to the child, developing empathy and affection.
Plan the day
Uncertainty and lack of routine can be stressful and make crisis episodes worse during the two-year-old phase. Therefore, from now on start a routine with the children, with times for eating, playing, studying, watching cartoons, taking a shower, among others. And over time, with frequency and regularity, she will become calmer and more accustomed to the routine, resulting in less anxiety and frustration.
Therefore, create a schedule with the child’s routine and from 24 months onwards, start offering new responsibilities such as tidying up toys, for example. Since this will also contribute to motivation and autonomy.
Practice self-control with games and activities
Controlling feelings can be very complicated during early childhood and this, without a doubt, emerges between 18 and 34 months.
Therefore, develop Activities and games that work on self-control are essential, helping in the process of waiting, empathy and recognizing your place. Therefore, develop activities such as waiting your turn, waiting until it is time to play, motor coordination games, attention, among others that make the child control their impulses, resulting in greater obedience and good behavior.
By being able to better control your feelings, the episodes of tantrums, crying and cunning will be fewer, resulting in more peace and balance. So persist!
Use a calm and firm tone of voice
At critical moments, when the child is nervous and the parents are almost losing patience, it is very important to remember this tip. calm down and maintain a calm, steady tone of voice. After all, by shouting and getting a lot of stress, the adult ends up demonstrating behavior that, until then, was being reprimanded in the child, creating confusion and difficulties for the little ones to react.
Therefore, try to breathe a few times when experiencing the child’s episodes of crisis and nervousness and remain calm, but firm, in order to demonstrate the importance and seriousness of the situation for its resolution.
Keep consequences logical
Same without pressuring and frightening children, it is necessary in stressful situations to demonstrate logical consequences. In other words, if the child does not want to eat, it is necessary to explain that they may become sick, weak and will not be able to play with their friends, go out, etc.
Likewise, another example is if the child doesn’t want to change their diaper, describe what could happen if they don’t change it and, if possible, remember episodes of diaper rash and bruises to demonstrate the consequences.
By doing this gradually, the child learns the weight and reaction of their actions, which results in better perception and even collaboration over time.
Be the example
And finally, the last and important tip is to be an example, especially in relation to behavior. This is because, if parents tell the child not to scream, be nervous, among others, but repeat these actions, this will generate confusion and distrust, which can affect and hinder the child in the long term.
Therefore, remain calm and firm, and in extreme moments of stress where you cannot control yourself, try to get out of the child’s way and return only when you feel that you will be able to deal with the situation calmly and maturely. After all, when faced with shouting, problems and responsibilities, adults can easily lose their patience, which will not be a good example.
That’s why, rethink and always try to remain in control and calmas this will make all the difference in relation to coexistence and education.
And remember that this is a phase and like everything, this too will pass. Therefore, try to enjoy and always treat your son or daughter with love and affection, as this care certainly overcomes any adversity.

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Enjoy and read more about activities and the best toys for children aged 2 to 3.