Quantos meses um bebê começa a se mover

At How Many Months Does a Baby Start Moving? Guide 2024

During pregnancy, as the belly grows, one of the things that makes parents most anxious is feeling the baby moving.

Not only because of the emotion, but because the baby moving is an indication of life growing inside the mother.

So, for parents who are on duty waiting to feel their baby’s first movements, a common question is: at how many months does the baby start to move?

You can usually feel the baby moving between the 16th and 22nd week of pregnancy.

Of course, this time range is an estimate, as each pregnancy is unique and there are factors that may cause the above information to vary.

If you want to know more about the subject, keep reading this article!

At How Many Months Does a Baby Start Moving?

In general, the baby’s movements can be felt from around the 16th week of pregnancy to the 22nd week.

But the truth is that the baby starts to move earlier, as in the ultrasound carried out between the 11th and 14th week, it is already possible to check some of the baby’s movements.

However, as the baby is still very small and has plenty of space, these movements are difficult to feel.

Mothers who have already been through pregnancy one or more times may be more sensitive and notice movement from the 14th week onwards.

It is very common for the baby’s first movements that are felt by the mother to be mistaken for gas or something similar, as they are subtle.

Furthermore, there are some factors that can interfere with the movements being felt, for example excess abdominal fat, if the placenta is positioned behind the navel, or excess amniotic fluid.

It is also important that you know that there is an evolution in the baby’s movements inside the mother’s belly.

What is the Evolution of Baby’s Movements?

In addition to the baby’s first movements, there are many parents who are anxious about the famous kicks and wonder “at how many months does the baby start to kick?”.

To bring you a very complete article, the Experienced Mother wrote down the main milestones of the baby’s movements and at what time they happen.

  • 7th to 8th weeks: first movements
  • 9th week: ability to suck and swallow, possible hiccups, independent movements of arms and legs
  • 11th week: yawning
  • 16th to 22nd weeks: first movements that can be felt as the baby will be bigger and more developed
  • 22nd to 24th weeks: during this period, kicks that will look like waves in the belly should begin to appear
  • 24th to 28th weeks: the hiccup will be noticeable, feeling like a small contraction
  • 29th to 31st weeks: stronger movements
  • 32nd to 35th weeks: during these weeks the baby will adjust itself until it reaches the birth position
  • 36th week until birth: the baby will move little, as he will already have no space, but when he does move, it will be intense, as he will have more strength

In the beginning, as long as the baby is smaller, less developed, and has more space inside the belly, the movements will be smoother.

How many months does the baby start to kick?

Towards the end of the pregnancy, when the baby is bigger and stronger, and the space is getting tighter and tighter, the movements will be very noticeable and visible.

Of course, each pregnancy is unique, and as previously mentioned, there are different factors that can affect when each milestone will occur.

How to Make Your Baby Feel Better?

Most babies tend to move more at night.

So, when it’s later, lie down on the bed with your back facing up, stay calm and stay very relaxed, avoiding moving.

For greater chances, you can also raise your legs, leaving them higher than your hips.

Why Do Babies Move?

Babies generally move to seek comfort. This can happen if you are in a very noisy place, which makes you uncomfortable, or because of some emotion that was passed on to you.

Furthermore, as they develop, having arms and legs, babies will want to stretch these limbs.

Finally, the mother’s diet can also end up causing agitation in the baby, especially in the case of sweets.

When Should I Worry?

If the baby has not moved by the 22nd week of pregnancy, it is recommended to check with a doctor to make sure everything is ok.

Furthermore, if your baby is already moving, but suddenly spends long hours or almost a whole day without moving, it is also recommended that you consult a doctor.

In some cases, you can apply stimulation techniques to get the baby to move.

These techniques are also used to stimulate the baby’s senses and consist of providing external stimuli, for example the use of lights and sounds and relaxation.

There are also many parents who talk or sing to their baby.

Tips for using external stimuli

How many months can I feel the baby in my belly?
  • Choose the times when the baby is awake
  • Be repetitive regarding the stimulus used and the time
  • Don’t use more than one technique at once
  • Be constant, do not increase the intensity or volume or change the pace
  • Invite people nearby to participate if they wish

So, at how many months does a baby start to move?

The baby’s movement may begin to be felt between the 16th week and the 22nd week of pregnancy.

The baby starts to move much earlier, but because it is very small and has a lot of space, the mother will hardly be able to feel it.

Some mothers, usually those who have had a previous pregnancy, can feel movements earlier, around the 14th week.

But don’t worry, as the baby grows and runs out of space, the movements will become more visible and noticeable.

As we get closer to the moment of birth, the baby starts to get into the correct position. We have an article that explains how many months the baby turns in the tummy.

And if you can’t feel the baby move after the 22nd week, or if the baby doesn’t move for long hours, consult your doctor.

Also see our book recommendations on motherhood to learn even more about the subject.

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