The first pregnancy generates many doubts in future mothers, who still don’t really know what tests they need to take and when to take them.
Even more so in the first pregnancy, mothers are very anxious about how many months it will be possible to see their baby on ultrasound.
In today’s article I will tell you how many months you can see the baby on an ultrasound and what this exam is for, so read everything carefully!
How Many Months Can You See the Baby on Ultrasound?
From the 5th week of pregnancy it is already possible to see the baby during the ultrasound exam, remembering that at this stage the baby will still be very small.
At the beginning of pregnancy, it is very common to feel very anxious about when we will be able to see our baby on ultrasound.
But stay calm and wait for the right time, which is at least 5 weeks of pregnancy, then you can also find out if your pregnancy is a baby or twins.
How many months can you tell the baby’s sex through ultrasound?
Another question that causes anxiety among mothers is how many months it takes to know the baby’s sex.
The baby’s sex can be discovered from the 12th week, but it can be uncertain.
Already in the 13th week, it can be discovered with a 99% chance of certainty.

However, it is not because you are 13 weeks pregnant that the sex can be discovered, this depends and varies greatly from each pregnancy and the baby’s position.
The recommendation, to be really sure, is to wait until the 20th week, which is when the morphological ultrasound is performed.
This is an ultrasound that allows you to see more details, allowing you to visualize sex more clearly, in addition to evaluating the formation of organs such as the heart, brain, liver, stomach, spleen and lungs.
What Diseases Are Identified by Ultrasound?
Ultrasound is an exam that also allows the discovery of diseases in the baby before it is even born.
Some diseases and/or problems that are discovered by ultrasound are:
- First trimester: ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, miscarriage
- Between the first and second trimester: chromosomal problems, such as Down syndrome (nuchal translucency ultrasound, performed between 11 and 14 weeks)
- Second trimester: malformations such as cleft lip, kidney problems, heart disease, microcephaly
- Third trimester: hydrocephalus, placenta previa and causes of vaginal bleeding, in addition to identifying the baby’s position for birth

The early detection of some diseases allows for immediate treatment, without having to wait for the baby to be born.
Now that you’ve read all this information, I hope I was able to answer your questions about the ultrasound exam.
You can usually see the baby on ultrasound from the 5th week of pregnancy.
Remembering that the ultrasound is a very important exam, as it allows you to monitor your baby, being able to find out the sex or if everything is ok with him.
So be sure to take ultrasound exams as recommended by your doctor.
And so that you can make the most of this moment, I’ve put together an article with the best books about motherhood that will help you get through this phase.