Teething is an important milestone in a baby’s development, but it is often accompanied by discomfort for both the child and the family. In this article, we will cover the teeth emerging symptomsfrom the first signs to the complete emergence of teeth, and we will offer practical tips to alleviate your little one’s discomfort.
Teething Symptoms: What to Expect
When a baby starts to get their first teeth, usually baby teeth, parents may notice some signs and symptoms. Teeth eruption can cause irritability, increased salivation, and sometimes a slight fever. It is important to pay attention to the signs to understand what is happening and how to help your child.
The Eruption Process of Baby Teeth
The first teeth usually appear between 6 and 12 months of age, but this can vary. The Brazilian Society of Pediatrics emphasizes that each child has their own pace of growth and development, and this includes teething.
Identifying the Symptoms of Teething
The most common teething symptoms include:
Irritability and discomfort: Your baby may be more tearful or irritable.
Nanny: You may notice an increase in the amount of saliva.
Need to bite: Your baby may try to bite objects to relieve pressure on his gums.
Swollen and red gums: The area where the tooth is emerging may become swollen and sensitive.
Changes in appetite: Your baby may lose interest in feeding due to discomfort.
Relieving Teething Discomfort
Gum Massage
Using a clean finger to gently massage your baby’s gums can ease discomfort. This helps reduce tension and swelling in the area.
Use of Teethers
Teethers can be very useful for relieving pressure on your baby’s gums. Choose safe products suitable for your child’s age.
Food Care
Cold foods, such as chilled fruit, can help relieve pain. However, always monitor your baby while he eats to avoid the risk of choking.
Consultation with the Pediatrician
In case of a high fever or any symptom that causes concern, it is always advisable to consult a pediatrician or dentist. They can offer specific guidance and rule out other possible causes for your symptoms.
Common Questions from Parents

Recognizing the Signs of Teething
Many parents wonder how to know if symptoms are actually due to teething. Observing swollen gums and increased irritability can be a good indication.
Teeth Eruption Time
Teeth can take a few days to weeks to fully emerge after they begin to tear through the gums. This process varies from child to child.
Teeth and Fever
A slight fever may accompany teething, but high fevers are not typical and should be evaluated by a doctor.
Identifying the Most Painful Teeth
Generally, the molars These are the teeth that cause the most discomfort at birth, due to their larger size.
FAQ about Teeth Emergence

What happens when a tooth emerges through the gums?
When a tooth starts to emerge, the gums can become swollen and sensitive. As the tooth moves to the surface, it can cause discomfort and irritation to your baby’s gums.
What to do to soothe a baby’s gums when teeth are emerging?
To soothe your baby’s gums, you can gently massage them with a clean finger, offer cold teethers or use specific teething gel, following your pediatrician’s instructions.
Which teeth hurt the most to emerge?
Molars, which are larger and have a wider surface area, generally cause more discomfort at birth compared to small front teeth.
How long does it take for teeth to come out after tearing the gums?
The time varies for each baby, but generally teeth can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to fully emerge after they begin to tear through the gums.
What does the baby feel when the tooth is coming in?
During teething, the baby may experience discomfort, pain, itchy gums, irritability and an increased need to bite objects.
How do you know if the fever is because of your teeth?
A slight fever may accompany teething, but it is important to consult a pediatrician to rule out other causes, especially if the fever is high or persistent.
How do I know if my baby’s teeth are coming in?
Signs include swollen and red gums, increased salivation, irritability, and the need to bite objects. In some cases, you can even see or feel the outline of the tooth in the gums.
How long does it take for a baby’s gums to tear?
The time it takes for a tooth to tear through the gum varies, but typically starts a few days before you see the tooth emerge.
What can the baby feel when teeth are coming in?
In addition to pain and discomfort in the gums, the baby may experience general irritation, changes in appetite and sleeping patterns, and increased salivation.
How long does a baby stay sick because of teething?
Discomfort associated with teething can last while teeth are emerging, which varies from a few days to a few weeks for each tooth.
Which teeth come in at 1 year old?
By the age of one, many babies have their first molars and canines beginning to emerge, although this can vary widely between children.

The teething phase is a natural and important stage in a baby’s development. By knowing the symptoms and having strategies to alleviate the discomfort, you can help your child go through this process more calmly. Remember that each child is unique, and monitoring with a pediatrician is essential to ensure healthy development.
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