The baby, despite already being a human being, is still developing, is fragile and has some discomforts, such as colic.
The fact is that colic is common in babies and will be something that not only they will face, but also their parents.
Between the endless crying and the agony of seeing your baby suffer from colic, a frequently asked question is: how many months does a baby have colic?
The baby has colic until, more or less, the 3rd or 4th month of life, starting from the 2nd week.
To learn more about colic in babies, how to identify it and what to do, keep reading this article!
Until How Many Months Does a Baby Have Colic?
The baby starts to have colic from the 2nd week of life and lasts until more or less the 3rd or 4th month.
There are those who report that it can last up to the first 6 months, but during this period it should be a much less intense and painful colic, not comparable to the first crises.
The baby’s colic should become weaker and less long as time passes, which will be a relief for both the baby and the parents.
How to Identify that the Baby Has Colic?
Colic can be identified by the baby’s restlessness, which will kick its legs, move its arms, and may even have a redder face.
Cramps are more common at night and/or after breastfeeding.
The colic cry is very loud, strong and sharp, in addition to being long and can last for hours uninterrupted.
Remembering that there are different types of baby crying, and each one indicates a different problem, so it is important to know how to identify when it is crying due to colic.
What to Do When Your Baby Has Colic?
The first important tip is to walk away when you are unwell.
As it is a very long, strong and high-pitched cry, it can cause enormous stress on parents, and there is nothing wrong with that.
If you’re at your limit, ask an adult you trust to try to comfort the baby a little while you take time to breathe deeply.
Even though colic is natural and common, it is important that parents do not leave the baby kicking and suffering alone.
Try to comfort and calm him, as well as try the techniques below, which can help relieve colic:

- warm bath
- Place the baby lying face down, and with your hand on the baby’s belly, gently press upwards
- Leave the baby in a relaxed and peaceful environment
- Move the baby’s legs in a pedaling direction
- Massage your belly in a clockwise direction
- Warm compresses on the belly
- Use thermal belt for colic
Often, while having colic, when passing gas, the baby feels relief and cries less.
Therefore, these leg exercises and belly massages help the baby’s body to release excess gas and relieve pain and discomfort.
We also emphasize the importance of breastfeeding in a more upright position and burping the baby soon after.
Also avoid putting the baby to sleep right away, wait a few minutes to avoid reflux, or gulf, which is very common in babies.
For greater help in this regard, you can count on breastfeeding pillows, which help the mother to find a more favorable position that will not require a lot of force.
Then read our article about the best breastfeeding pillows on the market.
What Causes Colic in Babies and How to Avoid It?
There is no consensus on what causes colic in babies. There are those who say that it is a consequence of excess air swallowed during breastfeeding or because of a system that is not yet fully developed.
There is a theory that it is related to the mother’s diet while she is still breastfeeding the baby, but this theory has not been proven.
In any case, healthy eating is always recommended.
Doing the massages and exercises mentioned above, before the baby starts crying, can also be a way to avoid more acute colic.
If your baby suffers from colic frequently, using relief techniques before the pain becomes unbearable is a great idea.
However, if the colic is very strong and causing a lot of concern, it is worth consulting your pediatrician to make sure that the origin is not something more serious.
Normally, it’s not something that worrying, but there are cases in which colic occurs due to a baby’s allergy, and the ideal is for these situations to be identified as soon as possible.
Furthermore, if symptoms other than those mentioned for colic are noticed, for example if the baby’s face is turning blue and not red, it is important to consult a doctor.

So, Up to How Many Months Does a Baby Have Colic?
Baby colic should start around the 2nd week, lasting until the 3rd or 4th month of life.
They tend to become weaker and less durable over time, with the beginning being the most difficult phase.
But there are some things you can do to relieve your baby’s colic, such as giving a warm bath or putting a warm water compress on the child’s belly.
In case of extremely strong colic, or additional symptoms that are worrying, don’t hesitate to consult your pediatrician!
Remember that this article is merely informational and does not replace the opinion of a specialist doctor.
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